One of our most loyal sons...
Thomas M. Dorrian Class of 1961
From Our President...On behalf of The West Catholic Alumni Association Board of Governors and the West Catholic Family, I write this note to mark the passing of one of our most esteemed alumni, Thomas Dorrian.
He passed on May 16, 2019 and was laid to rest on May 23, 2019. Tom served his beloved alma mater with a fidelity and zest that was unrivaled. He was one of West’s “Loyal sons who love to spread her fame.” Tom was a proud Southwest Philadelphia native who attended Most Blessed Sacrament Grade School and graduated in 1961 from West Boys and served in various capacities within our organization. He served as President for two terms and maintained his board seat until his passing. Tom’s most well known for having chaired our Burrs at the Beach Committee for many years. He was also an avid Notre Dame fan and made many trips to South Bend in his retired years Personally, he served as a source of guidance in my role as president with humor and joy whenever I encountered him. I will miss him and can only wish to be half the man he was to those who cherished him most. To honor Tom, we ask the West Catholic Family to share a fond memory here on our website. We will dedicate our Fall 2019 Emissary to Tom and hope to include your stories there. If you would like to make a donation on Tom's behalf to Burrs at the Beach simply click the button below. Thank you.